LHX \\---// Attack Chopper From Mr. Hex CONTROLS: Throttle Controls: 1 - 00% 2 - 30% 3 - 50% 4 - 70% 5 - 100% 6 - -10% 7 - +10% 9 - Rotate Left 0 - Rotate Right ` - Auto Rotate Views: CTRL + {arrow key} - Pan around + - Zoom in - - Zoom out Weapons Control: [, ] - Select Weapon - Choose next target to right ' - Choose target closest to crosshairs - Fire weapon View Control: F1 - Main View (Front window) F2 - High View (LHX and Osprey only) F3 - Map View F4 - Right Side View ShF4 - Left Side View F5 - Back View ShF5 - Front View F6 - Ground View ShF6 - Circling View F7 - You -> Target F8 - Target -> You F9 - Satelite (Repeated presses zoom out) ShF9 - Satelite (Zoom in) F10 - Weapon View ShF10 - Target's View WEAPON DESCRIPTION: Hellfire - Used on ground targets. Must have lock on target at all times. If lock is lost, the missile wanders off, and misses target. Tow - Very interesting! Use only with F10 view. You can guide the missile to its target using the standard helicopter controls. Notice the REMAIN: indicator. This shows how much `fuel' you have left. To detonate the missile, press the space bar again. FFAR - Very good for eliminating numerous targets. Cannot lock, but is close to as destructive as a sidewinder. Good for Air -> Ground attacks on large military installations, armored groups, POL tanks. The advantage is that there are many of them, but they only go in a straight line. Sidewinder - Used on helecopters, and especially airplanes, such as MIGs. Are very fast, and manuverable. Can destroy any aircraft in one missile. Can remain locked while you have disengaged. Stinger - A slightly less explosive version of the sidewinder, but has the same capabilities. 30mm & 20mm chain - Lockable guns, that point at the target selected, even if using a rear view. (Panned) Very effective at close range on helecopters. 7.62mm GUN - A non-locking, wimpy gun which does little damage. Not very good, basically only used on the Black Hawk. NOTES ON VEHICLES: Armoured vehicles require hellfire missiles to be destroyed. Eg. tanks, and some like the BRDM-2. Require 3 Sidewinder min. Ugly vehicles, like the IZU (ISUZU!!) and S-60. They fire large shells which are equivalent in damage to an FFAR. Eliminate them on sight, as soon as you gain lock. Wimpy, but deadly vehicles. Most rocket launchers are pretty flimsy, and with a few shots from a gun go KAPPOW! Other nasties include men with an SA-16 (Somethin' like a bazooka). These dudes are responsible for the mysterious `missle out of nowhere'. Nuke-'em also, using guns (one or two shots max). Useless vehicles. Eg - C&C Vehicle. Totally stupid things, that just sit there and spin around. Pretty dumb, but they give you points. Other vehicles. Trucks, cranes, things like that, heck! nuke-'em also! After all, it's only ammo. HINTS ON USING THE GAME: After lots of experience, here are the best arangements for general purpose battle for each of the helicopters. APACHE: 1200 30mm Chain 8 Hellfire 38 57mm FFAR (Depending on mission, can use Hellfire if you detest FFAR's) 2 Sidewinder BLACK HAWK: <> 1500 7.62mm Gun 2400 7.62mm x 5 Gun 2 Sidewinder LHX: 2000 20mm Chain 4 Sidewinder 8 Hellfire OSPREY: 1200 25mm x 5 2500 25mm x 5 If you're into cheating, use the LHX. It is by far the fastest, most manouverable helicopter of the roster. It has limited weapons, but Sidewinders for helicopters and airplanes, and Hellfire for others, leaving the chain for stupid things (Men...), it is all you need. If you're a serious player, use the Apache. It is slower, but has a wider arsenal. You can complete any mission using it, save for the Air Intercept one which requires BEAUCOUP of Sidewinders, but if you are good, you can use FFAR's instead. For cargo missions, use the Osprey. General advice is to convert to airplane mode (Using V while moving forward), and get in and get-the-hell- out before you have to face any airplanes. If you cruise low (150 feet) enough and fast enough, you should have no problems. MISC NEAT THINGS: CTRL-R = Recharge all weapons (including flares and chaffs) and even resores *Damaged* weapons. It does not undo DAMAGE! CTRL-U = Change yer shape! Look from side, rotating, etc, and you can see your "new" look. Notice the shadow stays the same. The double bladed helicopter is cool, give that a try. EA also included a flying truck! Sorry, but the enemy will not be fooled by your disguise! NEAT AND INTERESTING STRATEGIES: While under intense helecopter fire, it is convenient to change into a truck and land directly ontop of one. Half of the missiles will hit it, and then after it is toast, run like hell(fire)! In free-flight, or if you think you're cool because everything on the map is smokin', cruise on up to the absolute top of the map! Use F3 to find your way, or set HDG: to 0. When you get there, you should notice that it says that you are moving when the ground stays still! Confusing?!? You can't go off of the map, and that is a safety feature. Ammunition can still go over, so why not take a look with a TOW? If you waste everything around you, save for A Mig, select it as the target and watch it merrily waste you. It should run out of ammo, before you run out of flares, and you can watch it fly all the way back to the airport to when it lands. Use F8 or ShF10 for this. Be sure that there is nothing on radar when you do this. If you are really bored, try level 5! This will ensure that you come back thouroughly perforated. Pull out some hair? If you are through with that, try target practice on the runway. Fly over at max speed at an altitude of about 200 feet, and hit every single dash on the runway with an FFAR. If you miss, try again. If you don't, try doing it at a lower altitude and using time compression (`T' key). Don't you just love TOW missiles? Load up with them, and hit full throttle on the runway. Time compress to save time. Retract gear if avaliable. When you reach 10,000 or 15,000 feet, stop ascending and put the stick forward and fire a TOW. You should see it go way down, and circle around, and then feel a nasty bang. Look through F10, and see for yourself. It should go around once or twice or even three times and smack into the helecopter. Keep on doing this for even more enjoyment. If you want more of a challenge, fly away from the helecopter, and then fly back. Use T if required. You should eventually get smashed to death, and should plummet 10,000 feet to the runway. You leave a nice long smoke trail, and a black hole at that! If you are dumb, load up with FFARs and try to nuke a mountain. Good luck. Use F6 for ground view, and then position the helecopter directly over it, and you will get an inside view of the helecopter! Pan around using F9 on Zoom: 1. Stretch things much? Fly the helecopter using a "remote control". Try to shoot things using the ground view. It is much harder than you think. Try to shoot your missiles. (Can it be done?) Try to land on a mountain! (You blow when you touch it!) Shoot down a Mig using a chain gun. Notice that the guns do not lock on targets that are in the air. Time yourself. See how long it takes you to completely demolish a city in Vietnam (Any bridge crossing a river has a city nearby). It can be done in around 2 minutes, with everything smoldering. Use FFAR's for the fastest time. NOW YOU WANT TO !!CHEAT!!?: If you think that CTRL-R is a pain in the BUTT because it gives you a mission score of ZERO the instant you touch it? Try this to get ample ammo. Pull out your handy file editor, like Mace utils, or Norton. Load the file LHX.EXE for editing. Start editing at Hex offset 3A018, offset 237,592. The beginning should be the same, but the rest should be different. The following was produced using the Norton Utility. Make the screen contain the same hex codes as on this list. 4F570000 494E5445 524E414C 00000403 03026C13 AC260A00 00000000 4814AC26 011C14AC 2601F013 AC260200 00000000 A014AC26 017414AC 26010000 00000000 E011DC05 05000000 00000C12 AC260A1C 14AC2601 F013AC26 02A014AC 26017414 AC260100 00000000 1C14AC26 01F013AC 2602A014 AC260174 14AC2601 00000000 00009813 AC260A00 00000000 4814AC26 011C14AC 2601F013 AC260200 00000000 A014AC26 017414AC 26010000 00000000 6412AC26 0A000000 00006412 C4090A48 14AC2601 1C14AC26 01F013AC 2602A014 AC260174 14AC2601 Good luck on your game! <> LHXCHEAT.TXT